Friday, July 5, 2013

Why write erotica?

Why do you write erotica? Why do you write about sex?

To be honest I have never been asked these questions. Mainly due to the fact that I write my erotica under a pen name. Yes R.R. Adams is my pen name not my actual name. There are reasons I write under a pen name but that's a topic for another post. In this post I'm going to talk about why I write

I have heard of other erotica writers being asked these questions. I can't say why they write it but I can say why I do. Its because I enjoy it. Its fun and its aspect of life that I enjoy exploring. Most people do. There are few people that don't like hooking up from time to time no matter how prudish they believe themselves to be. We were made to enjoy sex and like all other organisms we like doing what feels good. Some of us explore it by having sex as much as possible, some explore it by doing it as much as possible with as many people as they can. Now, don't get me wrong I do like to explore it in real life as much as possible. But since I am not as youthful as I use to I don't look as good as I once did, and having kids really does limit your chances. Writing about it gives you a lot more opportunities and not to mention safer. 

Writing about it also allows you to explore sex through the eyes of someone else. Someone that could be just like you or someone on the opposite spectrum. You can also explore things that might test your limits of comfortably. That is something very hard to do in real life, especially if your partner has no interest of going there themselves. Lastly, as a writer I can look through the eyes of either sex, something that is definitely impossible to do in real life. Or in the case of group sex I can peek into the brains of every one involved. Not something I would care to do in real life.
So there you have it, why I write erotica. I am sure this is a subject that will be touched on again in the future but as for now this is my answer and I'm sticking to it. Until next time....

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