Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Amazon vague guildlines and emails.

So this weekend I got an interesting email from Amazon saying that they have pulled one of my stories from their system due to it violating their terms of service. I had to read the email a few times to get get any idea why it was pulled. Towards the end it says "upon changing your content, please re-submit your book.

Okay. So I take a look at the guidelines and what a help that was....NOT! The guidelines are so vague that they are of no help. I knew of that long before but I was hoping to find something to help me get the story back up as it one of my more popular stories. How am I suppose to rework something if I don't know what the problem is in the first place? Not sure what else to do, I take the story and rework it but not in a way that completely changes the story and upload that. Today I see that the story is completely blocked and I can not do any further edits or reworks. Apparently, you only get one chance to get it right once they tell you they don't like it. Nice!

Since then I have seen the news that a lot of erotica writers are getting the same problems. Namely, the independent erotica writers. I thought maybe it was a keyword that got it yanked but doing a search for all the keywords I knew the story was listed under still shows a large selection of other titles. So I am no closer to knowing why my story was targeted than I was a few days ago when I got the email. I would like to know and thought about emailing Amazon to find out but I have read they rarely respond to inquires and if or when they do, they do not offer any help. They only refer you back to the vague useless guidelines mentioned before.

Therefore, I guess I am out a story on Amazon. The story is still available at all the other outlets except Kobo. I am going to now keep an eye on what else gets the Amazon ban. Hell I might even have a new section up soon. The TOO HOT FOR AMAZON SECTION!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Locker Room Surprise is now Live!

Duncan is a burned out assistant principle who just like everyone else just wants the year to be over. The only highlight of his day is finding students engaged in extra activities not condoned by the school. Then one while he is clearing the normal hotspot that the students liked to hide out in he comes across a student that is willing do whatever it takes not to go to class. Its a time Duncan will never forget!

“Where are you supposed to be young lady?” I ask. “Class.” She answered sarcastically. She closed the book and kept her head down. She had been caught and she knew it. “Well you better get there and stop by your dean’s office and get a slip since your skipping.” “No.” She sighed as she looked up at me. “If I do that they will expel me. They said they would after the last time.” I looked into the girl's pretty face and the first thing I noticed was her hazel eyes that seemed to draw you in, it felt as if they could entrance you. Then I noticed the fair completion of her soft almost white skin. I could see she didn’t get out in the sun much. “You should have thought about that before deciding to skip.” “But if I get expelled my dad will kill me.” The way she looked up at me and the fear in her tone told me that her father’s reaction to her being expelled would have been bad. “Okay just get to class.” I said backing off. “But if I do that the teacher will send me to the dean and I will still get expelled. Please don’t make me go to that class. That teacher reminds me of my dad and he scares me…please.” She pleaded and I thought for a moment that she was going to start crying. “I am sorry, but I can’t let you stay here. You have to go to class. “I’ll do anything…please I’ll do anything for you.” She pleaded. Something about the way she said anything made me stop. She stepped closer to me, “Anything.” She repeated. For a moment I didn’t know what to do. What was she suggesting? And then briefly I thought of things she could do but pushed the thoughts out of my mind. She was a student and I couldn't think like that. “I don’t think you can do anything for me.” I said. “I think you need to go to class before you get into more-“ “I’ll give you a blow.” She said interrupting me. “What!” I exclaimed. I knew what she had said but my mind started reeling and I guess I wanted to hear it again to confirm that I heard it. “I’ll give you a blowjob.” She said dropping to her knees before me. I watched her drop and looked at the top of her head. For some reason I couldn’t move. I seemed to be frozen in place. I felt like I was in some type of trance even though my mind screamed for me to move back and to get away from the situation. I knew I had to stop things before it got out of hand. But things were already out of hand. In a flash she had unzipped my slacks and I watched as her hand shot into the hole and grab my cock through my underwear. I felt myself start to stir at her touch. As in slow motion my hand reached down and grabbed her wrist. She looked up at me and I looked into her pretty face, those hazel green eyes and saw that she really meant to go through with it. An image of my hard cock in her mouth with those eyes looking up at mine flashed before my eyes and I realized I wanted it. But my mind, my moral mind screamed no. I shook the image out of my mind and tried to step back but I didn’t step back very far. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” I said. “Why not?” She said looking up at me. “No one will know and I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.” She said and flashed a little smile. “Don’t worry I'm 18. We're both adults."